This code repository contains an implementation of an incremental font transfer encoder.
Currently this implements a "low level" encoder where a specific segmentation plan (how code points, features, and design space are split between patches) must be provided to generate the encoding. Eventually a higher level interface will be implemented which is capable of generating a segmentation plan.
The encoder functionality can either be accessed programmatically via ift/encoder.h or via a command line tool.
The font2ift command line tool can be used to convert a non incremental font into an incremental font and collection of associated patches. Example usage:
bazel run util:font2ift -- --input_font=$(pwd)/myfont.ttf --config=$(pwd)/segmentation_plan.txtpb --output_path=$(pwd)/ --output_font="myfont.ift.ttf"
Where segmentation_plan.textproto is a textproto file using the util/encoder_config.h schema. See the comments in that file for more details.
This repository uses the bazel build system. You can build everything:
bazel build ...
and run all of the tests:
bazel test ...
The code follows the Google C++ Style Guide. Formatting is enforced by an automated check for new commits to this repo. You can auto-correct formatting for all files using the script.